Monday, April 30, 2007

L's Sweater...

The back is done...the sleeves are growing...and the front is finished.... in my head...
Why is it that I get sick of projects so easily? with my attention span I need 30 different projects on the go at all times...Alas, I have limited myself to three. On the needles now is L's sweater and a prayer shawl that someone else is knitting on....Hmmm I think I need one more...maybe a summer purse I spied in a Louisa Harding book... I can never have too many bags.

Lucy Bag

I was so gung-ho about this blog but with baby, husband, work, knitting, and L's blog, I have been neglecting it.... OK that said...I am really pleased with the Lucy Bag. The pattern a felted bag from The Two Old Bags. I used ribbon and a size 6 needle and I LOVE IT. I need to get lining for it..then it is ready to use.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I thought I would start the blog off with a photo that makes me smile. This is Leo in his Christmas vest I made for him. With his rosy cheeks and that tummy he could be St. Nick himself. :)