Thursday, September 20, 2007

Holly Cow I am Posting!!

We went to the Finger Lakes Fiber Festival Last weekend in NY. So much nice yarn in one place!!!

My favorite was the soon to be Largest sock in the WORLD!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

It has been soooooo long...

I have had a hard time posting lately... Our winters are soooooooo long here that we have been taking advantage of our beautiful summers. L and I have been gardening. Here are some of our favorites

Mushroom compost has worked wonders!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

After making this cute heart hat (my mom made the other) my first thought was "I wish Leo was a girl." It was the first time I ever wished that. He has worn it around the shop...purple suits him.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Summer Shawl

This pattern was fun and quick... the perfect project.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Spring is here!!! L and I went on a wild flower walk. We found some of my favorits...
We also found some Solomon's Seal and May Apple but they were not in bloom....
As for my knitting...the prayer shawl came back to me (not really knitted on), I put L's sweater on hold and started a summer shawl with a ruffled edge. Cast on 800+ stitches!!!! I'll take photos later.

Monday, April 30, 2007

L's Sweater...

The back is done...the sleeves are growing...and the front is finished.... in my head...
Why is it that I get sick of projects so easily? with my attention span I need 30 different projects on the go at all times...Alas, I have limited myself to three. On the needles now is L's sweater and a prayer shawl that someone else is knitting on....Hmmm I think I need one more...maybe a summer purse I spied in a Louisa Harding book... I can never have too many bags.

Lucy Bag

I was so gung-ho about this blog but with baby, husband, work, knitting, and L's blog, I have been neglecting it.... OK that said...I am really pleased with the Lucy Bag. The pattern a felted bag from The Two Old Bags. I used ribbon and a size 6 needle and I LOVE IT. I need to get lining for it..then it is ready to use.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I thought I would start the blog off with a photo that makes me smile. This is Leo in his Christmas vest I made for him. With his rosy cheeks and that tummy he could be St. Nick himself. :)